Tuesday Tales. From a Word: Shoe.

Living the Dream

Badge for TT - very small (1)Good morning and welcome to the last Tuesday tales of 2015.  Being asked to join this weekly blog hop has been an honor and a priviledge and I look forward to another year of weekly participation.

To all of my followers and visitors, Happy New Year

For this week’s Tuesday Tale, I’m back to Hello Again. To recap: Charley was caught in a tornado and injured. Bill, with the help of Shirley, a Nakota shaman, rescued her. Bill bears an uncanny resemblance to Mike, Charley’s dead husband, and it looks like the spirits have plans for this unlikely couple. If you want to read the story The beginning  go here and then check the later posts. The novel will be published in its entirety once it’s finished. At the moment, I’d say we’re about a third of the way in.

So, without any further ado, here’s the next section of Hello Again.

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