Prince Leopold George Duncan Albert, Fourth Son of Queen Victoria and a Hemophiliac

Very interesting post.

Every Woman Dreams...

prince leopold duke of albanyOn 7 April 1853, Queen Victoria delivered her fourth son and eighth child. Prince Leopold George Duncan Albert was the first of the queen’s children to be delivered with the aid of chloroform, a controversial procedure at the time. The belief by many in the medical field and the theological circles was that God meant women to “suffer” during childbirth so a symbol of Eve’s betrayal in the Garden of Eden. The queen’s use of the drug created quite a debate. It was also argued that a painful delivery assured that mother’s would wish to protect the children for whom they had suffered. The press thought the procedure too dangerous to the queen’s health. It was Victoria’s approval of the procedure that finally broke this archaic “male” perspective of women’s health. 

At the birth was Miss Lilly, the midwife who had assisted the Queen with Victoria’s other deliveries, and Dr. John…

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Rakes And Rascals

A Lady Awakened (Blackshear Family #1)

Genre: Historical Romance (Regency)

Cover Blurb:

In Cecilia Grant’s emotionally rich and deeply passionate Regency romance debut, a deal with a rumored rogue turns a proper young woman into . . . A Lady Awakened.

Newly widowed and desperate to protect her estate and beloved servants from her malevolent brother-in-law, Martha Russell conceives a daring plan. Or rather, a daring plan to conceive. After all, if she has an heir on the way, her future will be secured. Forsaking all she knows of propriety, Martha approaches her neighbor, a London exile with a wicked reputation, and offers a strictly business proposition: a month of illicit interludes . . . for a fee.

Theophilus Mirkwood ought to be insulted. Should be appalled. But how can he resist this siren in widow’s weeds, whose offer is simply too outrageously tempting to decline? Determined she’ll get her money’s worth…

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Keiti’s Blog Post

Finalized eBook Cover - Lost Pleasures Found

Puppy Problems

Rants and Raves by KaLyn Cooper

Noel's Puppy PowerAs I write Noel’s Puppy Power, the antics of my own 7-month-old puppy, Little Bear, continue to appear.

2016-04-12 12.18.19

When Little Bear was about three months old, he and I visited the Granddoll and Favorite (only) Daughter. He destroyed the carpet in the guest bedroom.

2016-07-01 21.21.44We needed to go to Florida when Little Bear was six months old  so I discussed his carsickness problem with the vet. He gave us magic pills.  Or, maybe it was the fact we took the motorhome. I don’t care, he didn’t get sick and rode like a champ.

I personally love the weather in East Tennessee. It’s been in the 90’s lately so Bear prefers to spend his days inside with me while I write, face over top the register enjoying the air conditioning. The other day I heard a clunk. Then a clink. Followed by Little Bear’s clanking dog tags…but the sound wasn’t quite right…

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Lost Pleasures Found ~ Vikki Vaught

Thanks, Beverly


Thanks for having me on your blog today. It’s always a pleasure. I originally wrote Lost Pleasures Found in 2010, before I knew anything about writing. The story came to me in late 2009 after reading a book, and I went around for months saying “Somebody need to write that book.” I ended up with some time off from my job in June 2010 and decided to spend two hours a day writing it. Three weeks later I had an 80,000-word manuscript. Obviously, I spend way more than two hours a day, more like twelve. The story flew onto the pages! Wish that would happen again!

That’s went the real work began. I spent months re-writing it, trying to get it in shape. I sent it out to agents and publishers and received plenty of rejection letters. Then my husband told me of a publisher a friend of his used…

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Rakes And Rascals

Regina Jeffers

I’m delighted to welcome to Award-Winning Author and fellow blogger REGINA JEFFERS to Rakes and Rascals today for an exclusive interview.

Diolch, Carol. As often as you and I interact on social media, it only seemed proper that we “meet” and have a pleasant conversation and perhaps a cup of tea. My cup is filled with lemon ginger today.

I’m partial to a cup of Earl Grey, Regina.


Could you tell us where you were born and what it was like growing up there?

I am from Huntington, West Virginia, a small town on the Ohio River, where the states of Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia meet. It is a college town, home of Marshall University (named after Chief Justice John Marshall). It is a city steeped in history, founded in 1775 in what was then the Colony of Virginia, but the area was settled as early…

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